Interface Oort.CometListener

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    OortContainer, OortList, OortLongMap, OortMap, OortObject, OortStringMap
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Oort.CometListener
    extends java.util.EventListener

    Listener interface that gets notified of comet events, that is when a new comet joins the cloud or when a comet leaves the cloud.

    If oortA and oortB form a cloud, when oortC joins to the cloud, both oortA and oortB receive one event of type "comet joined", signaling that oortC joined the cloud.

    If, later, oortB leaves the cloud, then both oortA and oortC receive one event of type "comet left" signaling that oortB left the cloud.

    • Method Detail

      • cometJoined

        default void cometJoined​(Oort.CometListener.Event event)
        Callback method invoked when a new comet joins the cloud
        event - the comet event
      • cometLeft

        default void cometLeft​(Oort.CometListener.Event event)
        Callback method invoked when a comet leaves the cloud
        event - the comet event