Interface ServerTransport

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractHttpTransport, AbstractServerTransport, AbstractWebSocketTransport, JettyWebSocketTransport, JSONHttpTransport, JSONPHttpTransport, WebSocketTransport

public interface ServerTransport extends Transport

Server side extension of a Bayeux transport.

A ServerTransport can be configured with a timeout (that in the default long polling http transport is the period of time the server waits before answering to a long poll), an interval (that in the default long polling http transport is the period of time that the client waits between long polls), a maximum interval (that in the default long polling http transport is the period of time that must elapse before the server consider the client being lost).

Further configuration include the maximum lazy timeout used for lazy messages and the style of delivery, that may happen during both responses to requests and via the "/meta/connect" channel, or via the "/meta/connect" channel exclusively.