Interface Session

All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientSession, LocalSession, ServerSession
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClientSession, BayeuxClient, LocalSessionImpl, OortComet, ServerSessionImpl

public interface Session

A Bayeux session represents a connection between a bayeux client and a bayeux server.

This interface is the common base interface for both the server side and the client side representations of a session:

  • on server-side a session represents the remote client.
  • on a client-side Java client a client session exists, together with a server-side session on the server, linked by the same session id.
  • on a server-side Java client the client session is a local session and it is associated with a server-side session.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    batch(Runnable batch)
    Executes the given command in a batch so that any Bayeux message sent by the command (via the Bayeux API) is queued up until the end of the command and then all messages are sent at once.
    Disconnects this session, ending the link between the client and the server peers.
    Ends a batch started with startBatch().
    Retrieves the value of named session attribute.
    The clientId of the session.
    A connected session is a session where the link between the client and the server has been established.
    A handshook session is a session where the handshake has successfully completed
    Removes a named session attribute.
    setAttribute(String name, Object value)
    Sets a named session attribute value.
    Starts a batch, to be ended with endBatch().
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()

      The clientId of the session.

      This would more correctly be called a "sessionId", but for backwards compatibility with the Bayeux protocol, it is a field called "clientId" that identifies a session.

      the id of this session
    • isConnected

      boolean isConnected()

      A connected session is a session where the link between the client and the server has been established.

      whether the session is connected
      See Also:
    • isHandshook

      boolean isHandshook()

      A handshook session is a session where the handshake has successfully completed

      whether the session is handshook
    • disconnect

      void disconnect()
      Disconnects this session, ending the link between the client and the server peers.
      See Also:
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String name, Object value)

      Sets a named session attribute value.

      Session attributes are convenience data that allows arbitrary application data to be associated with a session.

      name - the attribute name
      value - the attribute value
    • getAttribute

      Object getAttribute(String name)

      Retrieves the value of named session attribute.

      name - the name of the attribute
      the attribute value or null if the attribute is not present
    • getAttributeNames

      Set<String> getAttributeNames()
      the session attribute names.
    • removeAttribute

      Object removeAttribute(String name)

      Removes a named session attribute.

      name - the name of the attribute
      the value of the attribute
    • batch

      void batch(Runnable batch)

      Executes the given command in a batch so that any Bayeux message sent by the command (via the Bayeux API) is queued up until the end of the command and then all messages are sent at once.

      batch - the Runnable to run as a batch
    • startBatch

      void startBatch()

      Starts a batch, to be ended with endBatch().

      The batch(Runnable) method should be preferred since it automatically starts and ends a batch without relying on a try/finally block.

      This method is to be used in the cases where the use of batch(Runnable) is not possible or would make the code more complex.

      See Also:
    • endBatch

      boolean endBatch()

      Ends a batch started with startBatch().

      true if the batch ended and there were messages to send.
      See Also: